Thursday, October 16, 2014

Unwelcomed Thoughts

Assalamualaikum !

Honestly i've never felt this way , in fact it has been so long since i last felt this way .

It's you that i've always prayed for ... And my prayers have been answered . What is all this that is happening in my life ? Fate or just conincidence ? Idk myself too ... *sighs*

You were there to advise and guided me when i'm in the wrong . You were there , listening to all my rants . You claimed that you're lame , and i'm lame too . And instantly , the thought settled in , "Hey , maybe you're the one for me ?" . Why must all this be happening now ? I don't understand . It's when i'm indirectly attached to someone that you came back .

I never thought it would be this bad ...

A friend told me , "Hey , he may be talking to his friend , but from his body language , i can see that he wants to talk to you . I can tell .."

He was less than 10 metres away from me , so i tried my best to ignore him . Coz idw this "zina hati" to happen .. I kept eating and told my best guyfriend to shift his standing position everytime he moves so that he won't be able to see me . Idk if he saw me .. But my heart strongly agrees with my brain that he knew i was there , he wants to talk to me but he decided not to when he saw my friends was with me . His aura is just so strong ..

My prayers to all the person that i care and love .. Ya Allah , kau permudahkanlah segala urusan orang yang aku sayang , kau lindungilah orang yang aku sayang , kau berilah kesabaran dan ketabahan kepada orang yang aku sayang . Kau bimbingilah orang yang aku sayang ke jalanMu , ya Allah . Amin ...

If i ever see him again , maybe a smile is the best i could offer . In shaa Allah .

Goodnight and Assalamualaikum ...